All Healthy Aging News

  • Ageism, the Last Unacceptable Bias   August 20, 2024

    “I’m having a senior moment.

    I’m too old to try that.

    I look good for my age.

    It’s time to put her/him out to pasture.

    These are just aches and pains from old age.

    Sweetie, you don’t look a day over 29.

    Ok boomer.

    There will be a tsunami of aging dependents in the coming decade.”

    These oft-used phrases may sound inoffensive but ...

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  • A New Look at Moving through Menopause August 20, 2024

    Defined simply as the final menstrual period, when it is no longer possible for a woman to get pregnant, the current approach to menopause has become increasingly nuanced, recognizing that each individual’s experience varies widely. Many women transition into this stage smoothly with minimal discomfort, but others experience severe vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, ...

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  • How Not to Age: A Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older February 7, 2024

    It’s not yet possible to stop the passage of years, but it might well be within our sights to combat the effects of aging, according to Michael Greger, MD, internationally recognized lifestyle medicine physician, author and nutritionist. Synthesizing years of research on the essential pathways of aging, Dr. Greger believes the process can be slowed ...

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  • Joint Assets: An Osteoarthritis Update April 14, 2023

    The aching, swollen, stiff joints associated with osteoarthritis (OA) have long been considered a “wear and tear” condition, associated with aging. It was thought that cartilage, the smooth connective tissue on the end of bones that cushion the joints, simply breaks down over a lifetime of walking, exercising and moving. New research shows that it ...

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  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Updates from a Leading Geriatrician October 6, 2022

    Senior Moments Or Something More?

    As Baby Boomers continue the inexorable journey deep into their senior years, preserving cognitive function understandably tops the list of worries. While Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias are seen in just 5% of people over 65, that number jumps to 30% for people age 85 and over. Questions abound: is ...

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  • In a Pickle and Looking for a New Summer Activity? July 8, 2022

    Try Pickleball, the Country’s Fastest-Growing Sport

    Tired of the same ‘ole routine every summer but find yourself in a pickle and looking for a new summer activity? Well, according to American Council on Exercise (ACE), you might want to consider pickleball.

    As everyone from your next-door neighbor to ACE will attest, pickleball is extraordinarily ...

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  • When Are the Best Years of Our Lives? November 26, 2019

    Best Happiest Years

    Life’s Happiness Continuum

    Is there a predetermined peak age for happiness, before which our normal outlook is gloomy and melancholy and after which we ...

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  • When Are the Best Years of Our Lives? November 26, 2019

    Happiness Continuum: When Are the Best Years of Our Lives?

    Is there a predetermined peak age for happiness, before which our normal outlook is gloomy and melancholy and after which we slump back into these non-euphoric ways?

    Like trying to define why some ...

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  • Kidney Stones: Treatment & Prevention September 4, 2019

    This Too Shall Pass: Treating and Preventing Kidney Stones

    More common, frequently less painful and far more preventable than reputed, kidney stones have, thankfully, entered a new era of highly effective, noninvasive procedures. We ...

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  • Kidney Stones: Treatment & Prevention September 4, 2019

    entered a new era of highly effective, noninvasive procedures. We bring you up to date on kidney stone treatment & prevention

    This Too Shall Pass: Treating and Preventing Kidney Stones

    More common, frequently less painful ...

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